Aymara New Year Day

Aymara New Year is a national holiday that’s observed annually in Bolivia on the 21st of June. This day is known as “Año Nuevo Andino Amazónico” in Spanish, which means “Andean Amazon New Year” in English. In Aymaran, the holiday is known as “Willkakuti,” which means “Return of the Sun” in English.

Regardless of what it’s called, however, the purpose of this holiday remains the same. It’s a day on which the winter solstice is celebrated in the Southern Hemisphere. In the inhospitable Andes highlands, the winter solstice is an end to Winter. It’s the start of a new agricultural season and a day for new beginnings.

The History Of Aymara New Year In Bolivia

The winter solstice has always marked the symbolic death and rebirth of the Sun in many cultures, and that is true for the Andean people as well. This day has always been a day to thank the goddess Pachamama for her benevolence. So, it’s hard to establish an exact time when this holiday was created because it’s been observed for thousands of years.

Observing Aymara New Year In Bolivia

This holiday is celebrated by the Andean people and these people celebrate the day by offering cacao and alcohol to the goddess Pachamama. On the night before, people get together to say goodbye to the past year and to gather around a ceremonial table on which coca, alcohol, and ritual elements of the ceremony are placed.

In the sacred city ruin of Tiwanaku, the ceremony is performed and is attended by not only members of the Andean people but by tourists from all around the world. This ancient city was the capital of the pre-Hispanic empire that dominated the area from the 6th through the 10th centuries. It’s also listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has been since 2000.

Where is it celebrated?
Bolivia (National holiday)
When is it?
This year (2024)
Next year (2025)
Last year (2023)