Battle Of Angamos

The Battle of Angamos is a public holiday that’s observed on the 8th of October in Peru and commemorates a naval battle that took place between Peru and Chile on this date on October 8th, 1879. But this day does more than just remember a naval battle from a long ago.

It’s a day that commemorates the courage and the heroism of the Peruvian navy as it fought during this battle. That’s why it’s celebrated with military and civil parades all across Peru on this day and it’s a public holiday on which many people are given the day off.

The History Of The Battle Of Angamos In Peru

On October 8th, 1879, the Battle of Angamos was fought between Peru and Chile during the War of the Pacific. Known as the Saltpeter War, this war began as a dispute between Chile and Bolivia over the control of the Atacama Desert to control the extensive mineral resources located in that area.

When Bolivia declared war on Chile, Peru was invoked to fight on their side as a part of a mutual agreement. The ironclad warship Huascar was captained by Admiral Miguel Grau Seminario. It was located off of the coast of what is now Bolivia when the Chilean Navy — under the dual command of Juan Jose Latorre and Galvarino Riveros — surrounded and captured the warship.

In the process, Admiral Miguel Grau Seminario was killed. This defeat of Peru would enable Chilean forces to invade. Even so, Admiral Grau is seen as a hero who did what was necessary to defend his people. And it’s for this reason, October 8th is celebrated every year as a symbol of the Peruvian navy’s courage, resilience, and heroism.

Observing The Battle Of Angamos In Peru

All across Peru, there are military and civil parades that are dedicated to the courage of Admiral Miguel Grau and his men during the Battle of Angamos. It’s also a day for the people of Peru to reflect on their own dedication to their country and what they would do in similar circumstances.

Where is it celebrated?
Peru (National holiday)
When is it?
This year (2024)
October 8 Tuesday
Next year (2025)
October 8 Wednesday
Last year (2023)
October 8 Sunday