Black Cat Awareness Month

It probably won’t be surprising to anyone to find out that October is Black Cat Awareness Month. After all, the Halloween season occurs during this month and the black cat is often associated with this holiday season. All too often, these cats are also associated with bad luck or even evil, and that has led to these cats being abandoned at a rate faster than cats of other shades.

This holiday was created to combat all of the superstitions surrounding black cats and help people see them as the loving pets that they really are. Hopefully, that will result in more people adopting these cats in the long run.

The History Of Black Cat Awareness Month

Black cats have been associated with witches and black magic since before the Middle Ages. They were seen as having a very mysterious appearance, so they were often viewed as witches’ familiars or agents of the devil.

These superstitions have led to the persecution and mistreatment of these cats, particularly during periods in European history when witch hunts and trials were common. Many of the superstitious beliefs surrounding black cats persist to this day.

This has led to the mistreatment of black cats — particularly around the Halloween season. It’s not uncommon for black cats to be abused or abandoned all year long, but especially during the month of October.

It’s also a fact that black cats tend to be abandoned more than cats of other colors and that they also have a harder time being adopted into a forever home. Black Cat Awareness Month was created only a few years ago by Layla Morgan Wilde after she realized that there were only two holidays dedicated to these cats.

One is celebrated on August 17th and is known as Black Cat Appreciation Day, and the other one is observed on October 27th and is known as National Black Cat Day. She realized there was no month-long observation that could be used to erase the stigma suffered by these amazing animals. So she created this month. It’s as simple as that.

Observing Black Cat Awareness Month

We think that this holiday is pretty easy to observe. It’s a day for people to learn more about black cats, the history that they’ve had to suffer through, and the statistics surrounding their adoption rates.

Once people have that knowledge, they can share it with other people to raise their awareness about these cats. This can be done in person or using the hashtag #BlackCatAwarenessMonth on social media. We also encourage people who are looking to adopt a cat into their home to think about adopting a black cat from an animal shelter.

When is it?
This year (2024)
October 1 Tuesday
Next year (2025)
October 1 Wednesday
Last year (2023)
October 1 Sunday