Constitution Day in Seychelles

Seychelles is an archipelago that is located in the Indian Ocean off East Africa and is composed of approximately 115 islands. It’s home to nature reserves, beautiful beaches, coral reefs, and over 98,000 inhabitants. It’s also a country that was made into a multi-party democracy in the early 1990s.

This event is observed and celebrated with Seychelles Constitution Day. Also known as National Day, this public holiday is observed on the 18th of June. This is a day that’s celebrated with parades, public speeches by officials, and other such events. It’s also a day for people to enjoy time with their friends and family members.

The History Of Constitution Day In Seychelles

In the 16th century, the islands of Seychelles were visited by Vasco de Gama — who promptly named them The Admiral Islands. Not long after, the French colonized the islands, but it was then taken over by the British. In 1903, the islands would become a British Crown Colony.

On June 29th, 1975, Seychelles would gain independence, but this was tarnished by a coup d’etat. Albert Rene then became the new president, and the country became a one-party state. Even though President Rene described himself as an Indian Ocean socialist, his regime seemed to closely align with the political objectives of the Soviet Union.

Rene’s regime would survive several coup attempts, but when the USSR collapsed in 1991, Rene announced a return to a multiparty government. This was mainly due to the feat of being isolated from the international community.

On June 18, 1993, a Constitutional amendment was passed that allowed multi-party democracy to return to Seychelles. This was done with over 73% of the electorate in favor of the change. Even though the country was officially a democracy, Rene still managed to win his July 1993 election, ensuring that he would continue as president. He would continue as president until 2004.

Some Cool Facts About Seychelles

Below are some cool facts about Seychelles that we think everyone will appreciate. Let’s take a quick look at them before continuing with our exploration of Constitution Day.

  • It’s believed that the pirate Olivier Levasseur hid a treasure on the island; a treasure that’s never been found.
  • Ian Fleming, the author of James Bond, visited Seychelles in 1958 looking for a location for his next James Bond Story.
  • A local legend says that anyone who eats Breadfruit on the island is destined to return to it someday.

Observing Constitution Day In Seychelles

This holiday is a day off for the general public, which is a good thing considering there are plenty of events commemorating this holiday. Events such as the parade in Stad Linite. At this parade, government officials make speeches and there’s a lot of pomp and ceremony involved.

People also spend time with their friends and family meals enjoying such traditional foods as Octopus Curry in Coconut Milk, Grill Red Snapper, Shark Chutney, and Fish Curry. People also use the hashtag #ConstitutionDaySeychelles on social media to spread the word about this holiday.

Where is it celebrated?
Seychelles (Public holiday)
When is it?
This year (2024)
June 18 Tuesday
Next year (2025)
June 18 Wednesday
Last year (2023)
June 18 Sunday