Day Of The Victims Of Holocaust And Of Racial Violence

In Slovakia, Day Of The Victims Of Holocaust And Of Racial Violence is a holiday that’s observed annually on the 9th of September. This holiday was first created by the Slovak Parliament in 2000 and remembers the day in 1941 when the Slovak government issued a decree on the legal status of Jews in the country.

This decree was called the Jewish Codex and it resulted in deportations of Jews from the country that would ultimately lead to the murder of approximately 70,000 Slovak Jews. This holiday was created to keep that event fresh in the minds of all Slovaks so that this travesty is never again repeated.

The History Of Day Of The Victims Of Holocaust And Of Racial Violence In Slovakia

Nazi Germany would end up occupying most of the territory that makes up modern-day Slovakia in 1939. The government under Nazi influence would then pass the Jewish Codex. This code was very much like the ones that were passed in Germany and known as the Nuremberg Laws. Jews in the country had to identify themselves with a yellow star and they were banned from intermarriage with non-Jewish Slovaks and were also banned from many jobs in the country.

It wasn’t long before the deportation of Slovakian Jews would occur, and approximately 70,000 Slovak Jews were deported and eventually executed. In 2001, the Slovak Parliament declared this day a remembrance holiday so that current and future generations don’t allow such horrors to ever happen again.

Observing Day Of The Victims Of Holocaust And Of Racial Violence In Slovakia

This holiday is observed with solemn ceremonies that are held all across Slovakia. These include laying wreaths at the Holocaust Memorial located in Bratislava. There are also ceremonies that are attended by politicians, civil leaders, and members of the Jewish community on this day. This holiday isn’t a public holiday, so it’s not a day off for the general population, and businesses and schools operate according to normal operating hours.

Where is it celebrated?
Slovakia (Observance)
When is it?
This year (2024)
September 9 Monday
Next year (2025)
September 9 Tuesday
Last year (2023)
September 9 Saturday