Defenders Of The Motherland Day

Defenders Of The Motherland Day (Vatan Himoyachilari Kun) is a holiday that’s observed in Uzbekistan every year on the 14th of January. Also known as Day of Defenders of the Native Land, this holiday honors the armed forces on the date on which they were established in 1992.

Considered to be one of the largest and strongest militaries of Central Asia, Uzbekistan’s military was created shortly after the country gained its independence from the Soviet Union. Although this is an important holiday in Uzbekistan, it’s not a public holiday in that country. That means that it’s a working day and that public institutions and public transportation operates on their normal schedule.

The History Of Defenders Of The Motherland Day In Uzbekistan

Before the Russian Empire arrived in the area that is now Uzbekistan, it was divided between the Khanates of Khiva and Kokand and the Emirate of Bukhara. During the 19th century, the Russian Empire began imperialistic expansion into Central Asia, and by the end of WWI, the country was under Russian control. On October 27th, 1924, the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic was created.

During WWII, over 1.4 people from Uzbekistan joined in the Red Army’s fight against Nazi Germany, but a number of them also fought on the Nazi’s side. When the Soviet Union ended at the beginning of the 1990s, Uzbekistan declared its state sovereignty on June 20th, 1990. After the failed military coup in Moscow, Uzbekistan declared its independence on August 31st, 1991. The following year, on January 14th, 1992, Uzbekistan formed its own armed forces.

Observing Defenders Of The Motherland Day In Uzbekistan

In the armed forces of Uzbekistan, this holiday is used to give medals to soldiers and to acknowledge their achievements. It’s also a day when the military honors their own history with parades, airshows, and color guards. Although it’s not widely celebrated among the general public, it is an important holiday in Uzbekistan.

Where is it celebrated?
Uzbekistan (Public holiday)
When is it?
This year (2024)
January 14 Sunday
Next year (2025)
January 14 Tuesday
Last year (2023)
January 14 Saturday