Dniester Day

Dniester Day is a holiday in Moldova that’s observed on the last Sunday in May every year and is dedicated to the protection and preservation of the Dniester River Valley. The Dniester is a river that flows through Ukraine, then Moldova, before it’s finally discharged into the Black Sea.

This holiday calls attention to the problem of the environment being polluted and as a way to encourage people to preserve their natural resources. Every year, there are cultural festivals, meets, art exhibits, and other events that raise the profile of this holiday to the public.

Some Facts About The Dniester River

The Dniester River is one of the biggest and longest rivers in Moldova, so we thought that we’d take the time to learn more about it. And we found out a whole lot about this river. So much, that we decided to list some of our favorite facts about the river below.

  • The river was called Agalingus by the ancient Germans.
  • The ancient Greeks called the river Tiras.
  • This river is the second-longest river in Ukraine and is a source of drinking water for the people of Moldova.
  • This river is also an important river because of the hydroelectric power it produces.
  • The Dniester River is approximately 1,362 Kilometers long and about 6-meters deep.

Observing Dniester Day In Moldova

On this day, people take part in environmental events, music and dance performances, the discussions on the environment. People also travel up and down the Dniester River on this day—a river that’s known as the Nistru river to the people of Moldova and Romania. Contests and other activities also are included on this holiday—a holiday that can cover the entire course of a weekend.

Where is it celebrated?
Moldova (Observance)
When is it?
This year (2024)
May 26 Sunday
Next year (2025)
May 25 Sunday
Last year (2023)
May 28 Sunday