Have A Heart For Chained Dogs Week

Have a Heart For Chained Dogs Week is an observance week with a clear goal: to end the cruel practice of “tethering.” This is the practice of leaving a dog chained up to a stationary object as a way to keep it under control. Not only is this cruel, but it also poses a significant risk to the dog’s psychological and physical well-being.

To raise attention about this cruel practice, this week is observed from February 7th through 14th every year. This week is one that shouldn’t just be observed by animal lovers but is one that should be observed by everyone. After all, no animal should have to suffer what tethered dogs have to suffer.

The History Of Have A Heart For Chained Dogs Week

This week was first created in 2002 by a non-profit group known as Dogs Deserve Better. This group was founded by Tammy Grimes, who started the group after she was arrested for rescuing a chained dog. After the group was founded, Have a Heart for Chained Dogs Week was created to spread the word about the plight of chained dogs.

Observing Have A Heart For Chained Dogs Week

We encourage everyone observed this week to take the time to spread the news about it. Let people know about the cruel practice of dog tethering and spread the word about this act on social media using the hashtag #HaveAHeartForChainedDogsWeek. If we work together, we can all help to bring an end to the suffering of animals due to dog tethering.

Although dog tethering is illegal in the District of Colombia and in 23 other states, it still hasn’t been banned in 27 states. However, this can be changed if people are diligent and use this week as a starting point for a campaign to end it. During this week, call and email your elected officials and let them know that you want dog tethering to be made illegal.

When is it?
This year (2024)
February 7 Wednesday
Next year (2025)
February 7 Friday
Last year (2023)
February 7 Tuesday