Home Office Safety And Security Week

Occurring during the second full week in January, Home Office Safety and Security Week are designed to help remind home workers of the importance of maintaining a secure working environment. With the most recent statistics showing that almost half of all Americans work from home (at least part of the time if not full-time), it’s more important now than it’s ever been for home workers to make sure that their working space is safe and secure.

This includes making sure electronic files are secure, that computers and other vital office equipment are insured, and that smoke detectors are properly installed in the home.

The History Of Home Office Safety And Security Week

Although we researched this holiday week extensively, we were unable to uncover its roots. However, we do believe that it began sometime during the turn of the 21st century, probably the beginning of the 2010s, when working from home began to become more popular. We’ll continue to search for the origins of this holiday, and when we find it, we’ll update this section.

Observing Home Office Safety And Security Week

Because we have some experience and knowledge about creating a secure home office, we would like to give some advice about celebrating this week. We’ve listed some tips below that should help most home office workers keep their workstations safe and secure. People can also use the hashtag #HomeOfficeSafetyAndSecurityWeek on social media to spread the word about this holiday.

Home Office Safety And Security Tips

Below are some of the tips about keeping your home office safe and secure.

  • Use Multi-Factor Authentication for work communication.
  • Make sure passwords are secure and use a Password Manager.
  • Invest in quality antivirus and malware programs.
  • Don’t allow family members to use work devices.
  • Restart your computer at least once per day.
  • Make sure the computer and router are updated with the latest security updates.
  • Follow company policies.
  • Use a VPN.
When is it?
This year (2024)
January 14 Sunday
Next year (2025)
January 12 Sunday
Last year (2023)
January 8 Sunday
Awareness & Cause, Work & Occupation