Independence Day in Burkina Faso

Independence Day in Burkina Faso is a commemoration of this country’s independence from France in 1960. Previously known as the Upper Volta, Burkina Faso is a country that’s located in West Africa. On this public holiday, people spend time with their friends and family—usually at communal meals that can include dishes such as Sauce Gumbo, Ragout Dl’gname, Rizgras, and a fish stew that’s made with fermented beans, cabbage, and fish.

People also make special dishes using peanuts, sorghum, rice, yams, and okra to share with the community. Also enjoyed on this day is a palm wine known as Banji and grain water that’s known as Zoom-kom.

The History Of Independence Day in Burkina Faso

Because the area now known as Burkina Faso was an inland location and land-locked, it wouldn’t be until the 19th century that European powers would begin to colonize the area. Once they did, however, the region would become a French protectorate. In 1904, territories in the region became a part of French West Africa in 1904 and eventually, Upper Volta was created on the 4th of September in 1947.

On December 11, 1958, the Republic of Upper Volta would become an autonomous republic under French authority. Upper Volta wouldn’t gain full independence until August 5, 1960. In 1985, Upper Volta would be renamed Burkina Faso. This name means the “Land of the Incorruptible People.”

Observing Independence Day in Burkina Faso

Because this is a public holiday in Burkina Faso, the general population is off work. On this day, the flag of Burkina Faso is hung from homes and shops, and people decorate in the colors of the flag: red, green, and gold.

People also enjoy some of the foods we’ve mentioned above, and there are military parades and marches celebrating the day. In Ouagadougou—the capital of Burkina Faso—aviation displays and other events are usually the normal state of affairs for this day.

Where is it celebrated?
Burkina Faso (Public holiday)
When is it?
This year (2024)
December 11 Wednesday
Next year (2025)
December 11 Thursday
Last year (2023)
December 11 Monday