Independence Day in Dominica

Dominica is a Caribbean island nation that’s known for its mountainous terrain, tropical rainforest, and hot natural springs. It’s a country that has a population of approximately 72,000 people — many of which are residents of Dominica’s capital, Roseau. This is a country that’s not only known for its exports of bananas, bay oil, and grapefruit but is also known for its patriotism.

This is obvious to anyone who visits the country during Independence Day, a holiday that falls on the 3rd of November every year. This holiday marks the country’s independence from the United Kingdom, an event that occurred on this date in 1978.

The History Of Independence Day In Dominica

When Christopher Columbus sailed past this island on November 3rd, 1493, he decided to name it Dominica after the Latin Term “Dies Dominica.” For anyone interested, this Latin term means Sunday, and he gave it that name because it was a Sunday when he sailed past it.

Although the Spanish tried to colonize this island not long after, they found that it was difficult to do so due to its rough terrain. They also felt that it had a lack of natural resources. During the 17th century, the French would bring African slaves to the island and began to develop coffee plantations. In 1690, the first European settlement was established along with the plantations.

Under the Treaty of Paris, Britain would get possession of Dominica in 1763, although the French didn’t give up attempts at taking control of the country until the beginning of the 19th century. Dominica became part of the British Leeward Islands.

It wouldn’t be until November 3rd, 1978, that Dominica would gain its independence from Great Britain. It was then that it became an independent republic in the greater Commonwealth. Patrick John would then become the very first Prime Minister of the country.

Observing Independence Day In Dominica

This holiday is observed with the raising of the country’s flag, with parades, festivals, and dances. It’s also a holiday that’s observed with plenty of food. Foods that include the Mountain Chicken, a dish that’s not actually chicken but is the Leptodactylus fallax frog. Saltfish, fried dough, and other dishes also make their appearance on this holiday.

Where is it celebrated?
Dominica (Public holiday)
When is it?
This year (2024)
November 3 Sunday
Next year (2025)
November 3 Monday
Last year (2023)
November 3 Friday