Independence Day in Mauritania

The 28th of November is observed in Mauritania as Independence Day. This is a day that commemorates the country’s independence from France on this date in 1960. It’s also a day that is now associated with the Mauritanian Flag because the country adopted its new flag on November 28th, 2017.

Because this is a national holiday, it’s a day that’s celebrated by people all over the country. This is made possible by the fact that it’s a day off for many people and schools, government offices, and businesses are closed for the day. During this day, people can attend fairs and festivals, parades and carnivals, concerts, theater productions, and firework displays.

The History Of Mauritanian Independence Day

Mauritania is an Islamic Republic located in northwest Africa. It would come under the control of the French during the late 19th century. They established the country as a colonial territory and by 1912, they had quelled local resistance to their control.

It was a part of French West Africa by 1920, but World War II caused a number of significant changes in both Mauritania and in France. Mauritania became more autonomous after the war and by 1958 was governing itself. It would gain full independence on November 28th, 1960, and Moktar Ould Daddah would become the country’s first president.

On the 57 anniversary of Mauritanian independence, which occurred in November of 2017, Mauritania adopted its new flag. This new flag added two new red stripes to the traditional flag. This change was due to a referendum that was previously held. These two red stripes represent the sacrifices that the people of the country had to make to defend their territory.

Observing Mauritanian Independence Day

In Mauritania, this holiday is a very festive day. There’s music, parades, festivals, and plenty of food. People enjoy traditional Mauritanian dishes such as Mechoui (whole roasted lamb), dried fish, spiced meats, fish balls, and dates. All across the republic, there are also concerts, gatherings, and other special events as well.

Where is it celebrated?
Mauritania (Public holiday)
When is it?
This year (2024)
November 28 Thursday
Next year (2025)
November 28 Friday
Last year (2023)
November 28 Tuesday