Independence Day in Myanmar

Myanmar Independence Day is a public holiday that’s observed annually on January 4th in Myanmar. It commemorates the date in 1948 when the country proclaimed its independence from Great Britain. In many countries, a holiday that commemorates independence is also their National Day, but that isn’t the case with this holiday.

Myanmar’s National Day is observed on the 10th day of the full moon during the month of Tazaungmone and is held on the day in 1920 when students rioted against British rule. However, since Independence Day is a public holiday, most people do have the day off and schools are closed.

The History Of Independence Day In Myanmar

During the 19th century, Burma (what Myanmar used to be known as) was colonized by the British. On the 1st of April in 1937, Burma would become a specially administered colony of Great Britain and Ba Maw would become the first Prime Minister and Premier of Burma.

Ba Maw would speak out against British rule and proposed repeated that Burma should rule itself. He would eventually resign from the Legislative Assembly and was promptly arrested for sedition against British Rule. He would serve a year of imprisonment.

Baw Maw escaped from the prison in Mogok and established contact with the Japanese. When the Japanese occupied Burma, Ba Maw was made Chief Civilian Administrator. Some Burmese saw Japanese occupation as a way to gain independence from Great Britain, but some of them fought on the side of the British. In 1945, the Burmese who had been loyal to Japan switched their allegiance to the Allies.

On February 12, 1947, the Panglong Agreement was reached and Burma was unified as an independent state. On January 4, 1948, Burma would gain its independence from Great Britain.  In 1898, the Union of Burma would be renamed to Myanmar.

Observing Independence Day In Myanmar

On this holiday, the Ministry of Information in Myanmar will broadcast stories and songs relating to the country’s independence from Great Britain. There are also military parades, political speeches, and other events held on this day.

Where is it celebrated?
Myanmar (Public holiday)
When is it?
This year (2024)
January 4 Thursday
Next year (2025)
January 4 Saturday
Last year (2023)
January 4 Wednesday