International Day Of Acceptance

International Day of Acceptance is a holiday that’s observed annually on the 20th of January and encourages everyone to accept all people. Unfortunately, people don’t embrace people who have different abilities than they do, which means that they aren’t accepting them for who they are.

Approximately 15% of people in the world have some sort of disability, and many of these people are ostracized, don’t have basic access to education, and live in poverty. Fortunately, things are slowly beginning to change in some areas. It’s becoming clear that people of all abilities should be celebrated and not ostracized, and that’s why this holiday is an important one.

The History Of International Day Of Acceptance

This holiday was created by 3E Love, a company that was created by Annie Hopkins and her brother Stevie. The goal of this company is to spread the word about the importance of embracing diversity.

It also wanted to help empower people of all abilities. In 2009, Annie Hopkins passed away on January 20th. To continue her legacy, her family and friends created the International Day of Acceptance. From 2010 onward, it’s been observed every year around the world.

Some Important Facts About Acceptance

Although everyone has heard of the word acceptance, not as many people know the true meaning of it. Sure, people know that “acceptance” is the process of viewing a person as adequate or suitable to be treated with the same respect that every other member of the community is afforded.

But there are plenty of things that people don’t realize about it. We’ve decided to list some of these things below so that everyone understands acceptance a little bit better and exercises it in their day-to-day life.

  • Acceptance is an active process. That means that it must be practiced on a regular basis.
  • Acceptance also means not trying to control the feelings of others.
  • It means accepting people for who they are and not judging people for what they aren’t.
  • Accepting people don’t compare people with one another.

Observing The International Day Of Acceptance

Disabled individuals should use this holiday to share their stories of acceptance on the day. It’s also a day for people to think about whether they are accepting of everyone, regardless of their ability. And it’s also a good day to learn ways to empower people of all abilities.

To spread the news about this holiday, people can use the International Symbol of Acceptance (the Wheelchair Heart) or use the hashtag #InternationalDayOfAcceptance on social media.

When is it?
This year (2024)
January 20 Saturday
Next year (2025)
January 20 Monday
Last year (2023)
January 20 Friday
Awareness & Cause, Relationships & Family