International Day Of Neutrality

International Day of Neutrality is a day that’s observed annually on the 12th of December and is designated as a holiday that promotes the importance of peaceful relations between countries. A country that has chosen neutrality is not willing to choose one side or another during a conflict.

One of the most famous countries that have been consistently neutral is Switzerland. They remained neutral through both World Wars. Their stance on neutrality goes back even further than that, however. Their neutral stance goes all the way back to the 19th century, and as a result, Switzerland is a country that’s been seen as a safe haven for refugees for years.

The History Of International Day Of Neutrality

This day was created by the United Nations General Assembly on February 2nd, 2017. This resolution was introduced to this organization by Turkmenistan, and the 12th of December was chosen as the date when this holiday was observed because that is the date in 1995 when Turkmenistan was officially recognized as a permanently neutral state.

That makes this country the only permanent neutral country recognized by the UN General Assembly located in Asia.

Some Important Facts About Neutrality

Neutrality is a concept that a lot of people think they understand but may not have a complete picture of how it works. That’s why we wanted to give a little bit more clarification about it for our readers.

After doing an extensive amount of research, we came up with the following facts on this subject. Facts we hope will shine a light on neutrality so everyone can understand it a little better.

  • Neutrality is officially the legal status that arises from a state that abstains from all participation in wars with other states.
  • Under international law, neutral states have certain rights and duties. Territorial integrity is the most important right of neutrality.
  • Territorial integrity states that belligerents may not use a neutral country’s territory as a base of operations or engage in hostile actions within that territory.
  • Neutral states also have the right to maintain diplomatic communications with belligerents as well as with other neutral and non-neutral states.
  • Neutral states also have the right to require all belligerent parties not to interfere with the commercial intercourse of their citizens, unless it’s warranted by international law.

Observing The International Day Of Neutrality

On this day, there are a variety of events that are dedicated to peacekeeping and the practice of neutrality. These include symposiums, exhibitions, seminars, and other such events. This is also a holiday that offers insight into the benefits of preventative diplomacy.

Ordinary citizens can also feel free to observe this holiday by learning more about UN peacekeeping missions, learning about the countries that currently maintain a stance of neutrality, and using the hashtag #InternationalDayOfNeutrality on social media.

When is it?
This year (2024)
December 12 Thursday
Next year (2025)
December 12 Friday
Last year (2023)
December 12 Tuesday
Culture & History, United Nations