International Happy Gose Day

Every year, beer lovers all around the world celebrate a holiday known as International Happy Gose Day. This is a day that celebrates a specialty beer that’s been brewed in Germany since the 13th century. It hails from the town of Goslar, Germany, and is typically brewed with at least 50% of its mash ingredients being malted wheat.

Most Gose beers are known for having herbal characteristics, a lemon sourness, and a strong salt taste and have an alcohol content of somewhere between 4-5%. For everyone who currently enjoys this beer, or who thinks that they might enjoy this beer, this is a holiday that they’re going to want to observe.

The History Of International Happy Gose Day

Gose Beer originally began in Goslar, Germany as a spontaneously fermented beer in the 13th century. This means that yeast didn’t have to be added to the product in order for it to ferment. However, this began to change during the 19th century when brewers began making beer using either yeast or lactic acid bacteria.

This beer would be fermented in casks with the tap bung closed but the shiv hole left open to allow the release of fermenting gases. When fermentation reached the point where these gases stopped escaping from the shiv hole, this is when it was ready to be bottled. It was then transferred into a tank and then poured into long-necked bottles.

Although Gose Beer temporarily disappeared after WWII, it would come back in 1949. It was brewed primarily by small private breweries until the 1980s. This is when it temporarily disappeared again.

Fortunately, that wouldn’t last long, and Gose Beer began to be produced in and around Leipzig, Germany. Now this beer is manufactured all over the world. The holiday International Happy Gose Day was originally created by Leipziger Bierfreunder on November 17th, 2016. It’s been observed every year since then.

Some Delicious Beer Facts

Let’s go over some of the delicious beer facts that we’ve encountered while researching International Happy Gose Day. We’ve included them below for everyone’s consideration.

  • The largest beer festival in the world is held in Germany every year. It’s called Oktoberfest and over 6 million people attend it every year.
  • In ancient Egypt, women would brew beer.
  • Women also brewed beer in some parts of Medieval Europe.
  • A beer can be chilled in under 120 seconds. All that has to be done is to add it to a bowl of ice and salt and then stir.

Observing International Happy Gose Day

Happy Gose Day is a holiday that’s best enjoyed with a nice bottle of Gose Beer. People can also take the time to spread the word about this holiday using the hashtag #InternationalHeppyGoseDay on social media.

When is it?
This year (2024)
November 17 Sunday
Next year (2025)
November 17 Monday
Last year (2023)
November 17 Friday
Food & Drinks