International Peace Month

Peace is something that’s not just important to a single country. It’s something that all peoples of the world have a vested interest in securing and maintaining. And that’s why August is observed not as National Peace Month, but as International Peace Month.

This is a month during which we’re all encouraged to come together to not only celebrate peace but also to maintain peace for generations to come. This is a month for people to think about their world community and the devastation that war has caused throughout the entirety of human history. Let’s all work together to put an end to war.

The History of International Peace Month

This month was first created in August of 1926 at the Democratic Peace Conference in Germany. It was originally created to remember the horrors of World War I and to work towards a more peaceful future. Unfortunately, the First World War set up the perfect storm of conditions that would lead to the start of World War II, so world peace wasn’t in the immediate future and still isn’t to this day.

Some Facts About World Peace

We don’t pretend to be experts in the area of diplomacy or world peace, but we do know how to do our research, so that is exactly what we did for International Peace Month. We researched world peace and came up with some facts that we’d like to share with everyone reading today.

  • Most societies have enjoyed peace most of the time.
  • Approximately 1 out of 10 societies have never experienced war.
  • People have been trying to figure out a path towards peace since ancient times.
  • Studies have shown that gender equality has made societies more peaceful.
  • Societies tend to be less prone to civil war the wealthier they are.
  • The global community spends more than 2 trillion dollars perpetuating war. Only $50 billion a year is spent on peace.
  • In 2020, there were more than 2,500 verified cases of conflict-related sexual violence perpetrated against girls and women.

Observing International Peace Month

If we could outline the steps that people could take to ensure world peace, we would. Unfortunately, we just don’t have the roadmap that will lead humanity to lay down their arms.

What we can do is encourage people to work towards peace in their own way and to learn more about the devastating effects of war. We can also encourage people to spread the news about this month using the hashtag #InternationalPeaceMonth.

When is it?
This year (2024)
August 1 Thursday
Next year (2025)
August 1 Friday
Last year (2023)
August 1 Tuesday
Awareness & Cause