International Sweatpants Day

International Sweatpants Day is observed annually on the 21st of January and commemorates the casual soft trousers that were originally designed and still used for athletic purposes, but have increasingly been worn simply for comfort.

Athletes wore them to keep their legs warm while they were exercising and many of them still do. However, there is also an ever-growing contingent of people who simply use sweatpants to lounge around the house or to wear to informal occasions.

It’s the ultimate way for people to be comfortable and probably will be for many years to come. So, we encourage everyone to put on their favorite sweatpants and enjoy this holiday in style.

The History Of International Sweatpants Day

The first pair of sweatpants to ever be created were created by Emile Camuset, the founder of a sports store in France. He created them in the 1920s after he saw the need for comfortable sportswear for athletes.

His simple yet effective gray sweatpants were given their name because they retained heat and allows the athlete to sweat. From the moment he introduced them to the market, athletes used them to keep warm during workouts and this continued to be their main purpose for the next 50 years or so.

In the 1980s, an increasing number of people began to wear them because they were comfortable. This trend continued through the 1990s when they were blended into and became a part of slacker culture.

Over the past 30 years, the popularity of sweatpants continued to rise, reaching its zenith during the COVID-19 pandemic of 2019-2022. Of course, the popularity of sweatpants doesn’t seem to be diminishing as people continue to wear them for comfort and style.

In 2009, International Sweatpants Day was created to encourage people to wear sweatpants and see them for more than just lounging around the home or for athletic wear. We’re not entirely sure who invented it, but we do know when and why it was invented, so we’ll take that as a win.

Observing International Sweatpants Day

Grab a pair of sweatpants and wear them on International Sweatpants Day. Not just around the house either, but they also should be worn while a person is going out on the town. They can wear their pants while shopping, running the kids to school, or simply going out with friends.

And while they do that, they should use the hashtag #InternationalSweatpantsDay to spread the word about this holiday. Let’s all wear sweatpants on this day and spread the word about how comfortable they really are!

When is it?
This year (2024)
January 21 Sunday
Next year (2025)
January 21 Tuesday
Last year (2023)
January 21 Saturday