International Women In Engineering Day

International Women in Engineering Day is observed annually on June 23rd. It is a day that attempts to highlight the engineering achievements of women, which are often overlooked.

Although engineering has traditionally been seen as a male-dominated field, many women have made significant contributions to it over the years. This day provides an opportunity to focus on women in the engineering field and give them the recognition they deserve.

The History of International Women in Engineering Day

It’s time for people to acknowledge the reality. Even before engineering was recognized as a formal profession in the 17th century, women were contributing their skills. At that time, they often worked as inventors, and there were many who did just that.

For example, Sarah Guppy patented a bridge foundation, and Tabitha Babbit invented the first circular saw. In 1809, Mary Dixon Kies became the first American woman to receive a patent for her process of weaving straw. Thus, women have been involved in engineering from the beginning.

Throughout the 19th century, women worked alongside men in constructing bridges, erecting buildings, and designing railroads. During the early 20th century, many women engineers had the knowledge to do the job but were often relegated to positions as assistants or drafters.

Things began to improve during World War II when a large portion of the male population was engaged in the war effort. Women started to obtain more engineering work during this time, but they still faced significant barriers and discrimination in the industry.

During the 1960s, progress became more tangible for many women. Lillian Gilbreth became the first woman to be elected to the National Academy of Engineering. Since then, several awards have been named in her honor, which are given to young American engineers who are outstanding in their field. Over the years, an increasing number of women have entered the engineering field.

National Women in Engineering Day was launched in 2014 by the Women’s Engineering Society in the UK. It was observed in the United Kingdom for several years before it became an international holiday and was renamed International Women in Engineering Day.

Observing International Women in Engineering Day

This day is an excellent opportunity for people to learn more about the women who were pioneers in the engineering field. This includes Ada Lovelace, the creator of the world’s first computer program in the 19th century; Stephanie Kwolek, the American chemist who invented Kevlar; and Katherine Johnson, the American space scientist who played a crucial role in NASA’s first manned flights.

And that’s just a short list. There are many more women engineers who have made significant contributions to the world. People can also celebrate by acknowledging a female engineer they know or by supporting STEM programs for young girls.

It’s also a good day to spread the word about STEM and this holiday by using the hashtag #InternationalWomenInEngineeringDay on social media. This day celebrates women in engineering, both past and present.

When is it?
This year (2024)
June 23 Sunday
Next year (2025)
June 23 Monday
Last year (2023)
June 23 Friday
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