Labor Day in Jamaica

Jamaican Labor Day is a holiday that’s observed annually on May 23rd and commemorates the 1938 labor rebellion that would lead to Jamaican independence. This holiday is usually celebrated on the day it falls on if it falls on a weekday, but if it falls on a Saturday or a Sunday, then it’s observed on the following Monday.

On this holiday, people celebrate this holiday in a variety of ways but mainly through food, dance, and music. Because it’s a public holiday, government offices are closed, as are many businesses. Other businesses stay in operation for tourists and for people celebrating this day.

The History of Labor Day In Jamaica

When Jamaica was a part of the British Empire, it celebrated a public holiday on May 24th in observation of Queen Victoria’s birthday. This holiday is Empire Day and during the 1950s it would be renamed Commonwealth Day.

In the early 1960s, Jamaica gained its independence from Great Britain. This is when Jamaican Chief Minister Norman Washington Manly suggested that Commonwealth Day be replaced with the holiday Labor Day.

Labor Day was a holiday that commemorated the 1938 labor rebellion that was led by Alexander Bustamante. He became prominent during the rebellion and would eventually become Jamaica’s first Prime Minister.

Interesting Facts About Jamaica

Below are a couple of interesting facts that we’ve learned about Jamaica while we were researching Jamaican Labor Day.

  • From the 16th through the mid-17th centuries, Jamaica was ruled by the Spanish.
  • Eight-time Olympic medalist Usain Bolt is from Jamaica.
  • Tourism makes up a large portion of Jamaica’s economy.

Observing Labor Day In Jamaica

A practice that’s been common since 1972 has been for Jamaicans to use this day to get involved in community projects. It’s also a day in which there are parades, speeches, and other events. And as we’ve mentioned in our introductory statement, this holiday is celebrated with food, family, music, and dancing.

Where is it celebrated?
Jamaica (Public holiday)
When is it?
This year (2024)
May 23 Thursday
Next year (2025)
May 23 Friday
Last year (2023)
May 23 Tuesday