Liberty Day in US Virgin Islands

In the U.S Virgin Islands, the 1st of November is a day with special significance. It’s a holiday that’s known as Liberty Day and it commemorates David Hamilton Jackson and the free press in the Danish West Indies — known as the U.S Virgin Islands nowadays.

For many years, the Danish West Indies were stifled by a program of censorship and it wasn’t until the successful efforts of David Hamilton Jackson, a native of St. Croix who not only fought for the freedom of the press but also started the first free newspaper on the islands, The Herald.

The History Of Liberty Day In The U.S Virgin Islands

While the Virgin Islands was under the control of Denmark, there was a program of censorship in place and all publications on the islands were heavily censored. This changed when David Hamilton Jackson petitioned the King of Denmark for freedom of the press on the islands.

This was granted, and Jackson was then able to start the first free newspaper, The Herald. Today, the 1st of November is celebrated in the U.S Virgin Islands to celebrate freedom of the press and the first free newspaper in the Virgin Islands.

Observing Liberty Day In The U.S Virgin Islands

This is a public holiday in the U.S Virgin Islands, so it’s a day off for many people, and schools, government offices, and some businesses are closed for the day. It’s a day that’s celebrated mainly by celebrations of journalists and special events that highlight the importance of a free press.

On social media, the hashtag #LibertyDay is often used to spread the word about this holiday. Since this is a day off for many, some people use the holiday to spend time with loved ones, hit the beaches, or participate in other events.

Where is it celebrated?
US Virgin Islands (Public holiday)
When is it?
This year (2024)
November 1 Friday
Next year (2025)
November 1 Saturday
Last year (2023)
November 1 Wednesday