Maryland Day

Celebrated annually on March 25th, Maryland Day is a legal holiday in the state of Maryland in the United States. It commemorates the landing of the first European settlers in the Province of Maryland. It is also a day in which many Maryland residents take the time to celebrate their heritage and their state’s history. While this day is a legal state holiday, businesses and schools are usually open on this day.

History of Maryland Day

On March 25, 1634. European settlers arrived to St. Clement’s Island in the Province of Maryland aboard two colony ships: the Dove and the Ark. When they safely arrived on the shores of Maryland, these European settlers held a special ceremony to commemorate and give thanks for their save arrival. However, in the following years, this day wasn’t really celebrated as a holiday. It wouldn’t be until Maryland schools began to celebrate it back in 1903 that it started to pick up some steam towards becoming a state holiday. In 1916, it finally made it and was declared an official state holiday.

Facts About Maryland

  • The second longest continuous truss bridge is the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore.
  • The Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore is 1,200 feet long.
  • Maryland has a combined tidal shoreline length of 4,431 miles.
  • This state gave up some of it’s land for the formation of Washington, D.C.
  • In 1696, King Williams School was opened in Maryland become the 1st U.S school.
  • In 1830, the first railroad station was built in Baltimore, Maryland.
  • On October 10, 1845, the U.S Naval Academy was founded at Annapolis.
  • In 1902, Maryland was the first state to enact workmen compensation laws.
  • In Maryland, there are 47 State Parks with over 90,000 acres of land dedicated to them.

Official Maryland State Symbols

  • Official State Bird: Baltimore Oriole
  • Maryland State Capital: Annapolis
  • Official State Dinosaur: Astrodon johnstoni
  • Official State Fish: Rockfish
  • Official State Fossil: Ecphora gardnerae
  • Official State Tree: White Oak
  • Official State Reptile: Diamondback Terrapin Turtle

Maryland Day Customs & Traditions

On this day, schools all over Maryland hold special events and get their students involved in special activities that focus exclusively on the history of the state. Some people may also use this day as an excuse to visit the capital of Maryland – Annapolis – or other historic sites all located all over the state. Art exhibits and re-enactments may also take place on this day.

Where is it celebrated?
United States (Local observance) - Maryland
When is it?
This year (2024)
March 25 Monday
Next year (2025)
March 25 Tuesday
Last year (2023)
March 25 Saturday