National Applesauce Cake Day

National Applesauce Cake Day is a holiday that recognizes a dessert that goes back to colonial times: applesauce cake. This holiday is celebrated on June 6th and is a nice summer treat that’s delicious and not too heavy. Applesauce cake is traditionally made using applesauce, sugar, cinnamon, and flour, but there are plenty of recipes that take liberties with the traditional recipe and add in a lot of other flavors. Regardless of whether you enjoy a traditional applesauce cake or one of the modern variants on the recipe, this is the holiday to try your hand at making one.

The History Of Applesauce Cake

Even though we’re unable to uncover the history of National Applesauce Cake Day, we were able to find out where this dessert originated. The recipe for applesauce cake can be found in early American cookbooks that go back to the colonial New England colonies of the northeastern U.S. It would continue to appear in cookbooks throughout the 18th, 19th, and mid-20th centuries. Although it’s not as popular as it was during the 1950s, there are still plenty of people who enjoy this sweet treat.

Observing National Applesauce Cake Day

To observe this day, you’re either going to have to make your own applesauce cake or you’re going to have to buy one-which isn’t an easy proposition in many places in the U.S. To make one of these cakes, you’re going to have to assemble some of the ingredients you are going to need including flour, sugar, applesauce, chopped nuts, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, cloves, and sometimes even cocoa. It all depends on what recipe you choose to make. Once you’ve made your cake, take a picture and share it with everyone using the hashtag #NationalApplesauceCakeDay. We’d love to see it.

When is it?
This year (2024)
June 6 Thursday
Next year (2025)
June 6 Friday
Last year (2023)
June 6 Tuesday
Food & Drinks