National Argyle Day

Argyle is a pattern that’s composed of lozenges or diamonds that are held in a distinct pattern. This design was originally derived from the tartan of Clan Campbell of Argyll that was located in the western portion of Scotland. Scottish Highlanders have worn these designs since the 17th century and it is now a pattern that’s enjoyed by people worldwide.

Why are we talking so much about argyle? Well, only because on January 8th everyone is encouraged to celebrate National Argyle Day. It’s a good day to put on an argyle sweater or pair of socks and to celebrate this holiday in style.

The History Of National Argyle Day

While argyle has been worn since before the 17th century, it wasn’t until after WWI that it would become popular in Great Britain first and then eventually, in the U.S. This popularity was in part due to Prince Edward wearing argyle while he went golfing. And that’s why this design has been traditionally associated with golfers and still is to this day.

Argyle became extremely popular during the 1980s and was worn by yuppies and preppies during that decade. It was so popular, it not only made its way into clothing but could also be found on thermoses, throw pillows, and blankets as well. Sometime in 2008, National Argyle Day was invented by Keely McAleer – although the circumstances under which she invented it are currently unknown.

Observing National Argyle Day

To observe this holiday, you are going to have to first decide whether you’re going all out by wearing all argyle clothing for the day, or whether you want to keep it simple by just wearing argyle socks for the day.

While you’re observing this holiday, be sure to use the hashtag #NationalArgyleDay so that you can spread the word about this holiday all over the Internet.

When is it?
This year (2024)
January 8 Monday
Next year (2025)
January 8 Wednesday
Last year (2023)
January 8 Sunday
Art & Entertainment