National Broadcast Traffic Professionals Day

Observed annually on the 2nd of November, National Broadcast Traffic Professional’s Day is a holiday that pays homage to the working professionals who man the country’s broadcast stations and networks.

These professionals make sure that new programs, television shows, and other TV programming are played at the right time and that advertisers get the time that they’re supposed to have. They ensure that advertisers get the most bang for their buck and that the television audience receives their daily fix of their favorite shows.

It’s certainly not an easy job, but it’s one that broadcast traffic professionals seem to do with ease, so let’s all pay them the respect they deserve when this day rolls around each year.

The History Of National Broadcast Traffic Professional’s Day

This day is observed on the first scheduled commercial radio broadcast in the U.S. This broadcast occurred on November 2, 1920. Pittsburgh’s Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company transmitted the first scheduled broadcast on that date. They did it under the call sign KDKA and it announced the live returns of the Presidential election between James Cox and Warren G. Harding.

Although we know why November 2nd was chosen for National Broadcast Traffic Professional’s Day, we, unfortunately, don’t know who invented this holiday or even when it was invented. We’re sure it was probably invented by someone close to the field of broadcast traffic professionals, but at this moment, we’re unable to find out who.

Important Facts About Radio & TV Broadcasting

Below are some of the facts about radio and TV broadcasting that we discovered while we researched this holiday. Let’s take a look at them below and get a better idea of the industry that traffic professionals work.

  • The term “Broadcasting” comes from agriculture. It was a term used for a broad scattering of seeds across a field.
  • The first radio jungle in the world was for a Wheaties commercial.
  • It costs $2.7 million for a 30-second commercial during the Super Bowl broadcast in 2008. It was the most costly airtime in the world.
  • Fred and Wilma Flintstone were the first couple shown in bed together on TV.

Observing National Broadcast Traffic Professional’s Day

Although we’re sure that most people probably don’t know a traffic professional personally, they can give a shout-out to their local broadcast stations and their traffic professionals. Or, people can use the hashtag #TrafficProfessionalsDay to give a shout-out on social media.

When is it?
This year (2024)
November 2 Saturday
Next year (2025)
November 2 Sunday
Last year (2023)
November 2 Thursday
Work & Occupation