National Cannabis Awareness Month

National Cannabis Awareness Month⁢ is observed every year⁢ in‌ April, and it’s a time designed to raise ‍public awareness‍ about cannabis and its ‍medicinal uses. Although ⁢this plant and the products derived from it have been demonized ​over the years, an increasing ⁢number of people are recognizing the⁢ medical value of cannabis.

Currently, it is being used to ⁤ease pain, help people⁤ with‍ chronic diseases gain ​the weight they need to survive, and control nausea. There are also ongoing studies to determine cannabis’ potential value‌ in relieving symptoms of Crohn’s Disease, IBS ‍(Inflammatory‍ Bowel ⁤Syndrome), ​and epilepsy.

The History of National Cannabis Awareness⁣ Month

Although April has⁣ been the host to 420 day, a holiday that occurs on‌ April 20th and celebrates the smoking of cannabis for recreational purposes, there was not a month dedicated to it⁤ until 2016.

This is when MariJ Pharmaceuticals founded National Cannabis Awareness Month. The purpose of this ⁤month was to raise awareness about cannabis and to ​help‌ further legislation to make medical cannabis legal in more‌ states.

Facts About Cannabis

Although ‍it can‍ be hard to keep track of current laws⁢ regarding cannabis legalization, ​we still think it’s worth‌ taking a moment to give some facts about cannabis that we ‌have⁣ in our possession. ‌Below are the facts about cannabis that we⁢ feel everyone‍ should⁣ be aware of while observing National Cannabis Awareness ⁣Month.

  • In the U.S., Federal ⁤Law ⁣still ⁢prohibits the use of the Cannabis sativa plant or its ⁤derivatives.
  • Under Federal Law, CBD derived from hemp​ is⁤ legal.
  • The ⁤psychoactive ingredient in cannabis is THC.
  • Although ‍states allow THC to be​ used ⁣for medicinal reasons, people can still ​be arrested by the⁤ Federal Government, even in U.S. states where it’s ​legal.
  • Medical cannabis can be administered in different forms, including ⁣oil, pill, liquid, powder, dried flowers, or edibles.
  • Cannabis has been used by humans for over 5,000 years.

Observing National Cannabis Awareness Month

One of the primary ways to celebrate National Cannabis⁢ Awareness ‌Month is‍ by⁤ learning ‍more about cannabis and the benefits it brings to people.

Once‍ that’s been done,‍ people can explore all of the products that cannabis is used⁢ in, for both medicinal and⁢ recreational purposes. Everyone observing‌ this ⁢month⁣ is also encouraged​ to spread the ⁣word about it online‍ using the hashtag #CannabisAwarenessMonth.

When is it?
This year (2024)
April 1 Monday
Next year (2025)
April 1 Tuesday
Last year (2023)
April 1 Saturday
Awareness & Cause, Nature & Environment