National Cheesecake Day

Celebrated on July 30th, National Cheesecake Day is a holiday that is dedicated to that sweet custard tart that is enjoyed by millions of people all across North America. It is traditionally an American holiday, but over the past few years many people across Europe have discovered this day and have used it as an excuse to enjoy this delectable treat.


While no one really kn origin of this holiday or when exactly it was started, the history of the cheesecake is something that is well documented. The first cheesecake can be traced all the way backows the to the ancient Greeks; A people who not only enjoyed it as a dessert but also used it in religious ceremonies. While this dessert resembled cheesecake in texture, its ingredients differed somewhat from what is used in modern versions.

This cheesecake was made using interspersed layers of dough that was filled with honey and cheese and was then flavored with bay leaves before it was baked. The finished product was then covered in an additional layer of honey. Many scholars believe that this cheesecake was created for special occasions such as the Olympics. Eventually this recipe would make its way into Roman culture after they adapted it for their own tastes.

Most scholars attribute the modern cheesecake to the English. The further perfected the original Greek recipe – which they obtained from the Romans – and adapted it to a form that would be more familiar to modern cheesecake enthusiasts. Immigrants would then bring the recipe to the United States where it became the cultural sensation it is today.

Customs, Traditions And Celebrations

Most people celebrate National Cheesecake Day by either buying a cheesecake for themselves or by attending cheesecake parties that are sometimes thrown. On this day, it is also customary for businesses that sell cheesecakes to either give away free slices or to sell cheesecakes at a reduced price.


National Cheesecake Day is a great way for a person to acquaint themselves with a dessert that is not only one of the tastiest treats on the planet, but one that is steeped in thousands of years of history.

When is it?
This year (2024)
July 30 Tuesday
Next year (2025)
July 30 Wednesday
Last year (2023)
July 30 Sunday
Food & Drinks