National Cherry Turnovers Day

National Cherry Turnovers Day is a holiday that encourages all of us to put more cherry turnovers into our bellies. Cherry turnovers are basically like enclosed cherry pies, but they’re easier to make. They’re made with a flaky puff pastry that’s filled with cherry pie filling, enclosed, and then sprinkled with sugar and baked.

Because they’re easy to hold in one hand, they’re the perfect dessert to be taken on the road or can be enjoyed anywhere in the home. This dessert was first developed in France and was based on savory meat pies that people often took with them to work.

Interesting Facts About Cherries

Since cherries are the main ingredient in this dish, and the word cherry is in the name, we thought that we’d take a few moments to list some of the fun, exciting, and interesting facts we’ve uncovered about cherries. We’ve listed these facts below for everyone’s entertainment.

  • Cherries have been enjoyed by humans since the stone age.
  • Roman soldiers had them as a part of their rations and the discarded pits caused cherry trees to grow all across the empire.
  • Some old Roman roads can be found by following the wild cherry trees.
  • Black cherries and chokecherries are native to North America.
  • There are over 500 varieties of sweet cherries.
  • Over 60% of the U.S’s sweet cherries are grown in Washington state.
  • The story that George Washington chopped down a cherry tree is not a true story.

Observing National Cherry Turnovers Day

National Cherry Turnovers Day is probably one of the easiest, and most delicious, holidays to observe on the 28th of August. All you have to do is to make a batch of cherry turnovers and share them with friends, family members, teachers, bosses, and anyone else you think would like them. And don’t forget to use the hashtag #NationalCherryTurnoversDay to spread the word about this sweet holiday.

When is it?
This year (2024)
August 28 Wednesday
Next year (2025)
August 28 Thursday
Last year (2023)
August 28 Monday
Food & Drinks