National Clean Up Your Room Day

We’ve all been guilty of letting the mess in our bedrooms get a little bit out of control. It’s human nature to put off things until we feel there’s a more convenient time to do them-and cleaning isn’t an exception to that rule. Unfortunately, small messes can quickly turn into larger messes, so it’s important to make sure that your room is eventually cleaned at some point. A day that’s perfect for helping motivate you to get your room back into order is National Clean Up Your Room Day. This is a holiday that falls on the 10th of May every year, just in time for spring cleaning. So if you need to get your bedroom back to looking like a human actually sleeps in it and not an animal, then this holiday is a good day to do it.

The History Of National Clean Up Your Room Day

Unfortunately, no documentation states when this holiday was invented or who invented it. It seems like that information has been lost to history. However, we do highly suspect that this holiday was probably invented by a parent who was frustrated with not being able to get their child to clean up their room, so they created this holiday out of whole cloth.

Some Entertaining (And Sometimes Surprising) Facts About Cleaning

Most people think that they know everything there is to know about cleaning. They think that since they know how to do dishes, dust the furniture, or mop the floor, that’s all they need to know about it. That’s not true, however, and that’s why we decided to hunt down some fascinating facts about cleaning. Let’s dig into them below for everyone’s entertainment.

  • Cleaning your home with lemon juice and vinegar can be as effective as using a cleaner.
  • Permanent marker stains can be easily removed using nothing but a rag and some toothpaste.
  • Run out of silver polish? Well, if you have, then you can also use toothpaste for shining up your good silver.
  • One of the dirtiest rooms in the home is the kitchen.
  • Scientists say that kitchen sinks have more bacteria in them than toilet bowls.
  • Dishcloths should be laundered every day to prevent them from spreading germs.
  • Antibacterial cleaners need to remain on a surface for at least 60-seconds to be effective.
  • Scientists have found over 3,000 different types of bacteria on money.
  • It’s estimated that half of the people using public toilets aren’t washing their hands when they’re done.
  • Cleaning burns approximately 100-calories an hour.
  • Salmonella can live on surfaces for up to 24-hours.
  • The average man cleans for approximately 6,400 hours during their lifetime, but the average woman cleans for over 12,000 hours over the course of their lifetime.

Observing National Clean Up Your Room Day

The best way to observe this holiday is by cleaning up your room, or if your room is nice and clean, then force your kids to clean up their rooms. People can spread the word about this holiday by using the hashtag #NationalCleanUpYourRoomDay.

When is it?
This year (2024)
May 10 Friday
Next year (2025)
May 10 Saturday
Last year (2023)
May 10 Wednesday
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