National Day / May 1810 Revolution

National Day is a holiday that’s observed on May 25th in Argentina and commemorates the small revolution that took place on this date in 1810 in Buenos Aires. Also known as Día de la Revolución de Mayo or the May 1810 Revolution, this holiday is observed with much fanfare in the country.

During this holiday, there are plenty of speeches, large gatherings of people, and large family meals on which traditional Argentinian foods are prepared. The festivities usually start on the 18th of May and run all the way up to the 25th.

The History Of National Day In Argentina

On May 25, 1810, a series of social and political events in Buenos Aires led to the first local government not designated by the Spanish Crown. However, there wasn’t widespread violence that’s associated with this revolution as is the case with most revolutions. It was more of a formal change of government system that meant that Buenos Aires was no longer under Spanish control.

Interesting Facts About Argentina

We’ve come across some exciting and interesting facts about Argentina that we would like to now share with everyone reading about this holiday. The following facts are what we’ve uncovered about this country and think that people should know before National Day is celebrated.

  • The name Argentina comes from the Latin word “Argentum,” a word that is Latin for silver.
  • It’s been estimated that up to 30,000 people disappeared during the regime of Argentina’s military junta between 1974 and 1983.
  • Argentina became the first Latin-American country to legalize same-sex marriages. They did it in 2010.
  • Argentina is the eighth-largest country in the entire world.
  • Argentina is the largest Spanish-speaking country in the world.

Observing National Day In Argentina

Every year, Argentinians take to the street and march, have parades, and attend concerts. There are also public rallies and meetings that celebrate this holiday. People also get together with friends and family and enjoy traditional Argentinian dishes such as Argentinian Empanadas, Milanesa a Caballo, and Dulce de Leche.

Where is it celebrated?
Argentina (National holiday)
When is it?
This year (2024)
May 25 Saturday
Next year (2025)
May 25 Sunday
Last year (2023)
May 25 Thursday