National Different Colored Eyes Day

Heterochromia is when a person either has eyes that contain more than one color, or they have eyes of different colors. Why is that important? Because National Different Colored Eyes Day celebrates people who have two different colored eyes. This holiday falls on July 12th every year and encourages everyone to not only celebrate those people who have eyes that don’t match but also for everyone to learn more about heterochromia. Although this condition is rare, with less than 200,000 people with the condition in the U.S., it is a condition that people are likely to see thanks to the public profiles of celebrities with heterochromia such as Dan Aykroyd or Kate Bosworth.

Celebrities With Heterochromia

Want to know which celebrities have heterochromia? Well, we assumed most people would, so we decided to list some of these celebrities with this condition below. It should be noted that not everyone with heterochromia has eyes of a different color. Some people have different eye color shades in each eye or a ring around the iris of a different color.

  • Alice Eve
  • Gracie Allen
  • Joe Pesci
  • Simon Pegg
  • Kiefer Sutherland
  • Olivia Wild

The History Of National Different Colored Eyes Day

National Different Colored Eyes Day was invented by Jeanne Quinn of B Able Incorporated. At this point, we’re unsure of when exactly it was invented, but we do believe that it’s been around for quite some time. We’ll keep looking for the origin of this holiday, however.

Observing National Different Colored Eyes Day

People can celebrate any friends or family who have different colored eyes on this holiday. People can also use the hashtag #NationalDifferentColoredEyesDay on social media if they have different colored eyes to share their unique eye color combination with the world.

When is it?
This year (2024)
July 12 Friday
Next year (2025)
July 12 Saturday
Last year (2023)
July 12 Wednesday
Health & Body, Weird & Obscure