National Dog Mom’s Day

National Dog Mom’s Day is a holiday that celebrates those women who treat their pets so well they treat them as well as they would their own child. Dog mammas want to make sure that their dogs want for nothing and have the best food, shelter, toys, and medical care available.

This is a holiday that’s observed on the second Saturday in May every year and gives pet owners just another opportunity to shower their fur babies with the love, adulation, and adoration that they deserve. Regardless of whether that means cooking their dogs some homemade dog biscuits or just giving them a few extra hugs, this holiday is one that’s sure to strengthen the bond between dog moms and their fur babies.

The History Of National Dog Mom’s Day

This holiday was created by a company that makes a dating app that allows people to find that significant other who also happens to be a dog person. The app is called Dig and it calls itself the Dog Person’s Dating App. They created this holiday in 2018 to help dog moms stay in their dog’s good graces.

Some Very Interesting Facts About Dogs

We’ve decided that dog moms everywhere would probably love to hear some fun facts about dogs, so we decided to list some below.

  • Approximately 70% of people sign their dogs’ names on holiday cards.
  • Research shows that the sound of a human yawning can trigger a dog to yawn as well.
  • Dogs can see both yellow and blue, so they’re not completely colorblind.
  • Dogs only have 1,700 taste buds. Humans have approximately 5,000 to 10,000.
  • Dogs have about 300 million scent receptors in their nose. Humans only have 5 million.
  • All puppies are deaf when they’re born.

Observing National Dog Mom’s Day

National Dog Mom’s Day is a great day for dog moms to connect with their dog children. This might mean that they make their dogs some organic dog biscuits, or take them for a long walk.

Perhaps, they just set aside the day to give the dog all the cuddles and belly rubs they want. All that matters is that owner and pet connect with one another on this day. While dog moms are connecting with their pets, they can then also use the hashtag #NationalDogMomsDay to connect with other dog moms all over the world.

When is it?
This year (2024)
May 11 Saturday
Next year (2025)
May 10 Saturday
Last year (2023)
May 13 Saturday
Animals, Weird & Obscure