National Dump The Pump Day

National Dump The Pump Day is a holiday that occurs annually every third Thursday in June and tries to raise the public’s consciousness by having them think about the amount of gasoline they consume. It’s also a day that encourages people to take public transportation or to bike instead of taking a car. This will not only save them money but will also help to take a burden off of the environment.  This is a good day for people to find alternative means to the store or to work that doesn’t end up burning gasoline.

The History Of National Dump The Pump Day

National Dump The Pump Day is a holiday that was created by the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) in partnership with public transportation systems across the U.S. It was first created in 2005 and has been observed ever since.

Interesting Facts About Gasoline & Gas Stations

Since we’re talking about observing a holiday on which people are encouraged to avoid using gas-powered vehicles, we thought that we’d do some research on the two things that people will be avoiding on this day: gasoline and gas stations. Below are the facts that we’ve uncovered about these two things that we think most of our readers are going to find interesting.

  • Gasoline was considered a worthless byproduct of petroleum until 1885-this is when Karlz Benzin made an experimental car with an internal combustion engine.
  • In July of 2021, most oil rig workers were making between $31,000 to $90,000 per year.
  • Gas stations only make pennies per gallon after operating costs and taxes.
  • Drivers in the United States account for approximately 44% of the world’s gas consumption.
  • The United States gets more of its oil from Canada and Mexico than the Middle East.
  • Most gas stations are independently owned.
  • A recent study has shown that gas station pumps are dirtier than ATMs or elevator buttons.
  • Kentucky Fried Chicken started out as a gas station that sold chicken dinners.
  • A gallon of gas weighs 6-pounds.
  • When burned, a gallon of gas will release 14-pounds of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
  • Producing gasoline can produce almost as much carbon dioxide emissions as what comes out of the vehicle’s tailpipe.
  • In 2018, Americans took more than 10 billion trips on public transportation.
  • Approximately 40% of all Americans don’t have access to public transportation.

Observing National Dump The Pump Day

Probably the easiest way to enjoy National Dump The Pump Day is by keeping your car or motorcycle in the garage. Instead of driving these gas-powered vehicles while you’re going to work or running errands, you should instead focus on walking, riding your bike, or taking public transportation. To spread the word to other people and encourage them to also observe this holiday, try using the hashtag #NationalDumpThePumpDay on your social media accounts.

When is it?
This year (2024)
June 20 Thursday
Next year (2025)
June 19 Thursday
Last year (2023)
June 15 Thursday
Activity & Action, Awareness & Cause