National Fun With Fondue Month

National Fun with Fondue Month is observed every November and encourages everyone to try their hand at making this melted cheese dish, commonly served in a communal pot. During the 1960s and 1970s, ⁣fondue​ parties were⁢ all the rage, but ​this trend has‍ fallen off over the past few years.

However, this month has a real chance of⁢ bringing it back.‌ After all, the only things that are really needed for a fondue party are some cheese, a fondue pot, some bread and/or fruit, and plenty of friends. So, ‌let’s all come together during the month of November and ​attempt to bring ⁤back the fondue party.

National‌ Fun With Fondue Month

When‌ was this month first created?⁤ Was it developed ⁤during the heyday of the fondue party craze of the 1960s‌ and⁣ 1970s, or is it a more modern⁢ observation? ⁣Unfortunately, those are questions that we simply can’t answer at this moment.

Those ‍answers seem to be lost to the internet, even though ⁤we’ll continue to try to find out about this month’s origin. Until we do, we ⁤hope that you ⁣and everyone else reading enjoy the ‌information that we ​have managed ‍to​ gather about⁢ National Fun with Fondue Month.

Important Facts About ⁣Fondue

We ‍all love cheese (we’re⁢ presuming), so many people probably​ love⁤ fondue. Not only the ‍cheesy ​sauce⁣ enjoyed with⁤ bread but also the fun fondue facts that can be found on‌ the internet. We know that we love good fondue​ facts, and that’s why we’ve listed some below.

  • Fondue was first ‌made during the⁤ Middle Ages in Europe ‌to help villagers eat during the​ winter months.
  • Medieval⁤ villagers would dip stale bread into ⁤molten cheese, which would soften the bread enough to make it palatable.
  • The Swiss Cheese Union declared fondue Switzerland’s national dish.
  • Despite ​fondue⁣ being Swiss, it was Americans who went on to invent Chocolate Fondue.

Observing ‌National Fun‍ With Fondue Month

National Fun with Fondue Month is ​best observed‍ with friends and loved ones,⁣ at least, that’s what we think. Once you’ve gathered together a⁢ gaggle of ⁣people, it’s then time to⁢ decide what type of fondue ‌you’re going to make.

There⁢ are about a thousand different‌ fondue recipes on⁢ the internet—from classic Swiss Fondue to Cheddar Beer Fondue. Some of our favorite recipes include‌ Brandy Cheese Fondue, French Onion Soup Fondue, and Italian Cheese Fondue.

Anyone searching for additional fondue recipes⁤ merely has to look​ them up under the hashtag #FunWithFondueMonth. You ‍should find⁤ plenty of recipes​ to make​ for friends and family members.

When is it?
This year (2024)
November 1 Friday
Next year (2025)
November 1 Saturday
Last year (2023)
November 1 Wednesday
Food & Drinks