National Get Gnarly Day

National Get Gnarly Day is a holiday that’s observed annually on the last Friday in July and encourages everyone celebrating it to push their boundaries. Although many people tend to think that the word “gnarly” only means dangerous-which it does-but it also means something challenging.

And we’re sure that the people who invented this holiday wanted people to do something challenging, and not something that was specifically dangerous. It’s a day on which people should go out there and do something that makes them a bit nervous. That could be trying your hand at surfboarding, skydiving, or even doing some public speaking-if speaking to crowds unnerves you. It’s a day to get gnarly, so just get it done.

The History Of National Get Gnarly Day

Believe it or not, National Get Gnarly Day was created by the Whirlpool Corporation in 2016, although it was never meant to be a public holiday. They created this campaign to encourage their employees to get excited about meeting customer expectations and reaching their goals. Employees of Whirlpool responded well to the campaign, and it would eventually be leaked to the public and become the holiday it’s known as today.

Observing National Get Gnarly Day

The purpose of this holiday is for people to step out of their comfort zone and do something cool and amazing. Now, we understand that’s kind of a vague statement because “stepping out of your comfort zone” is a phrase that means different things to different people. For some people, it means jumping out of a perfectly good airplane with a parachute, and for other people, it’s learning how to make a souffle.

It just depends on the person’s perspective. And we don’t think that it even matters what a person does on this day. A person should just make sure to push past their boundaries-no matter what that might entail. They should just remember to spread the word about this holiday using the hashtag #NationalGetGnarlyDay on their social media accounts to encourage other people to get gnarly as well.

When is it?
This year (2024)
July 26 Friday
Next year (2025)
July 25 Friday
Last year (2023)
July 28 Friday
Activity & Action