National Indoor Plant Week

National Indoor Plant Week is observed during the third week of September. The entire purpose of this week is to encourage people to place more plants in their indoor spaces and to raise the public’s awareness about the importance of plants in those spaces.

Indoor plants not only look nice, but they also make some pretty significant contributions to a home or office. They clean the air, provide oxygen, reduce noise pollution, and help us maintain that all-important connection to nature. In other words, plants are extremely important, and everyone should take some time to place some in the home, in the classroom, or in the office.

The History of National Indoor Plant Week

Mark Martin came up with the idea of a national week to celebrate indoor plants way back in 2007. That year, National Indoor Plant Week was born, and it’s been going strong ever since. More and more people are realizing the contributions that indoor plants make to their indoor spaces, and we consider that a win for both people and plants alike.

Some Interesting Facts About Plants

Let’s talk about plants. Not just any kind of plants, however. Let us talk about indoor plants. We’ve learned a lot about these types of plants while we researched National Indoor Plant Week and are eager to share those facts with everyone right here, right now.

  • Most common indoor plants come from the tropics. They’re used to growing under tree canopies, so they’re well-suited to indoor lighting levels.
  • People have been keeping plants indoors for over 5,000 years, if not longer.
  • Indoor plants not only remove carbon dioxide but also remove volatile chemicals.
  • Studies have shown that office plants reduce workers’ stress levels.
  • Studies have also shown that office workers are more productive in offices that have plants.
  • Plants reduce noise pollution.

Observing National Indoor Plant Week

During this week, find out what kind of indoor plant you like and purchase that plant. There are tons of different indoor plants, so all you have to do is choose one that is aesthetically pleasing and one that you think you can easily care for. Once that’s done, let us all know what you chose by posting a picture of it online using the hashtag #NationalIndoorPlantWeek.

When is it?
This year (2024)
September 15 Sunday
Next year (2025)
September 14 Sunday
Last year (2023)
September 10 Sunday
Nature & Environment