National Kick Butt Day

National Kick Butt Day is a holiday that’s celebrated on the second Monday in October. This holiday is designed to motivate people to reach for their dreams and to head out in the world and kick butt. This is a day on which excuses are no longer allowed or tolerated. If there’s something that a person wants to achieve, then this is a day that they should go out and get it.

The History Of National Kick Butt Day

Although no one knows when this holiday officially began, it is a holiday that’s been celebrated since 2003 or 2004. Most likely it was started as a motivational holiday to get people to get off of their butts and go out and reach for the proverbial golden ring.

How To Motivate Yourself For National Kick Butt Day

Since it’s impossible to celebrate this day without some serious self-motivation, we thought that we’d post a section on this holiday with the easy steps for a person to find their motivation on this day. By taking the following steps, anyone can enjoy this holiday with all of the gusto and enthusiasm it deserves.

Steps To Achieve Motivation:

  • Make sure you outline your goals.
  • Try to choose goals that personally interest you.
  • If the goal doesn’t interest you, then find something about it that does.
  • Announce to your friends and family your goals.
  • Keep track of your personal progress.
  • Reward yourself for achieving milestones.
  • Find the support you need to achieve your goals.

If you follow all of the above steps, then there’s literally nothing to stop you on National Kick Butt Day. Anyone will be able to motivate themselves to put in the hard work and achieve all of their dreams effectively. The most important part of achieving any goal is just beginning it and this holiday is the perfect holiday to kick off your dreams.

Celebrating National Kick Butt Day

Since each person is different and has different goals and dreams, it’s really up to each individual to decide how they should celebrate this holiday. However, what we can do is provide everyone with some examples of how this day could be celebrated and we’ve listed those below:

  • Find and apply for your dream job.
  • Take a new class or learn a new skill.
  • Start a new diet or exercise regimen.
  • Read a book to a child.
  • Rake the leaves.
  • Start a new hobby.
  • Make a new friend.

This is also a good holiday for throwing a party for friends and family. Anyone looking to capture this day so they can immortalize their epic adventures for all eternity can post photos of their adventures on social media using the hashtag #NationalKickButtDay.

When is it?
This year (2024)
October 14 Monday
Next year (2025)
October 13 Monday
Last year (2023)
October 9 Monday
Activity & Action