National Love Is Kind Day

National Love is Kind Day is a holiday that’s observed every July 27th and it’s a day that’s celebrated in any number of different ways. Its initial purpose is to celebrate all of the victims of domestic abuse who have freed themselves from their abuser, to highlight the problem of domestic abuse in the U.S., and to give voice to those who are still suffering from domestic abuse.

It’s also a day to remember those who weren’t so lucky in getting away from their abusers and have suffered and died as a result. No matter how this holiday is observed, however, everyone should use this day to treat each other with the love and respect they deserve as human beings.

The History Of National Love Is Kind Day

This day was created by Rosie and Sunny Aiello of the Love is Kind Network. They created the network in 2018 to spread the message of love and kindness, and to work towards ending domestic violence. The following year, they created National Love is Kind Day to spread the word about their message to everyone around the world.

Somber Facts About Domestic Abuse

Below are some facts about domestic abuse that we feel everyone should be aware of. Let’s take a look at them before we move on to what people can do to support victims of domestic abuse.

  • Every 9-seconds, a woman is assaulted or beaten.
  • Approximately a third of women and a quarter of men have been in abusive relationships.
  • Every minute, 20 people are abused by an intimate partner. That’s 10 million people each year.
  • Avery year, over 200,000 phone calls are made to domestic violence hotlines.
  • Approximately 15% of all violent crimes are performed by intimate partners.

Observing National Love Is Kind Day

One of the ways to celebrate this holiday is to donate money to the Love is Kind Fund. This fund supports women and children who are victims of domestic violence, abuse, and toxic relationships. People are also encouraged to spread the word about this holiday using the hashtag #LoveIsKindDay on their social media posts.

When is it?
This year (2024)
July 27 Saturday
Next year (2025)
July 27 Sunday
Last year (2023)
July 27 Thursday
Relationships & Family