National Plus Size Appreciation Day

National Plus Size Appreciation Day is a holiday that’s observed every October 6th and shows appreciation to the men and women who don’t conform to the traditional societal concept of the average size. It’s a day to dispel the negative stereotypes about plus-sized people and a day on which people can strive to make society more inclusive for all people.

The final reason for the creation of this holiday is to recognize the talent of the plus-size population and to help motivate them to be the best that they can be. Individuals celebrating this holiday can use the hashtag #NationalPlusSizeAppreciationDay to spread the word about it far and wide.

The History Of National Plus Size Appreciation Day

This holiday was founded by Women Rock in 2017 as a day on which plus-sized individuals can have their confidence boosted. It’s a holiday that has since taken on a life of its own and is observed by people all over the world nowadays on October 6th.

Facts About Plus-Size Fashion

Below are some facts that we’ve learned while we were researching National Plus Size Appreciation Day. We hope that the following facts will encourage other people to celebrate this holiday and to be more body-positive about the people they know and the people they come across on a daily basis.

Most Designers Don’t Make Plus-Size Clothing

Although 67% of American women wear plus-size clothing, most designers don’t take their needs into consideration. The average American’s size is between a size 16 to size 18.

Many Plus-Size Women Have To Wear Men’s Clothing For Workouts

Since there are often few good plus-sized options for women, 37% of plus-size women end up having to wear men’s clothing for workouts.

Observing National Plus Size Appreciation Day

National Plus Size Appreciation Day can be observed by people being confident about their looks and helping to boost the confidence of those around them. It’s a day to circulate body-positive messages on social media and among friends and family members. It’s also a day to feel good about yourself regardless of what clothing size you wear.

When is it?
This year (2024)
October 6 Sunday
Next year (2025)
October 6 Monday
Last year (2023)
October 6 Friday