National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day

National Pregnancy And Infant Loss is a holiday that’s observed on October 15th every year. It’s a day on which people can reflect on the pregnancy loss or infant death among their family or friends. It’s a day on which people can remember these children and honor their memory, all while supporting each other and helping them through their grief.

The History Of Pregnancy And Infant Loss Day

This holiday goes back all the way to October 25, 1988. This is when then U.S President Ronald Reagan designated October as Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Month.

Some years later, in 2002, Robyn Bear, Tammy Novak, and Lisa Brown petitioned the U.S federal government and the governors of all 50 U.S States to give Pregnancy And Infant Loss Day its own holiday.

This resulted in approximately 20 U.S States signing proclamations that made October 15th as Pregnancy And Infant Loss Day. The first official observance of this day was in 2002. Four years later, the U.S Congress passed H.Con>Res. 222 on September 28th.

This resolution supported the purpose of this holiday. Today, all 50 U.S States proclaim this day as a holiday. It’s also observed in Canada, the U.K., Australia, Italy, and Southern Wales.

Facts About Pregnancy And Infant Loss

As we researched this observation day, we thought that it might be helpful to share some facts on pregnancy and infant loss. Below are some of the facts that we uncovered.

  • The purpose of this day is to bring awareness to something that many people don’t talk about.
  • One out of four pregnancies will end in loss.
  • In the U.S, approximately 24,000 babies are stillborn.
  • In 2000, 1 million of the 6 million pregnancies in the U.S ended in a stillbirth or miscarriage.
  • In 2003, of the four million babies born that year, 27,500 of them ended up dying before the age of one.
  • Most miscarriages happen in the first trimester.
  • Most miscarriages aren’t anyone’s fault and could not be prevented.
  • Only about .5% to 1% of women will experience three or more successive miscarriages.
  • Symptoms of a miscarriage include bleeding and pain.
  • The incidence of a miscarriage is higher if both parents are 35-years or older.
  • If the mother is 42-years or older, the chance of a miscarriage increases by 50%.

Observing National Pregnancy And Infant Loss Day

People can observe this day by visiting to find support for their pregnancy and/or infant loss, and they can help support the people they love that might be suffering from the loss of a child. To spread the word about this observation day, you can also use the hashtag #NationalPregnancyAndInfantLossDay on your social media accounts.

When is it?
This year (2024)
October 15 Tuesday
Next year (2025)
October 15 Wednesday
Last year (2023)
October 15 Sunday
Relationships & Family