National Publicist Day

National Publicist Day is a holiday that falls on October 30th and celebrates the PR work done by these professionals each and every day of the year. As many of you reading probably already know, a publicist is a professional whose job is to manage and create publicity for a particular company, public figure, or brand. They’re often responsible for creating press releases, targeting social media posts, and performing various public relations functions. The job of a publicist is hard and it can take years before they develop the contacts they need to be effective. Now they’re going to finally receive the recognition they deserve.

The History Of National Publicist Day

This holiday was invented by Jordanna Stephen—the owner of a New York PR firm in 2015. The day of October 30th was chosen for this holiday because it was the day of the first press release in 1906. This press release was written by Ivy Lee—a person that many people consider to be the father of PR. The press release created the response of the Pennsylvania Railroad after it crashed through a New Jersey trestle and plunged into a creek. This was seen as an innovative approach to communications between corporations and the public at the time.

Facts About Publicists & Public Relations

We know that everyone reading about this is probably wondering what else we learned about publicists and public relations while we were researching National Publicists Day, so we decided to do a section on those two subjects. After all, we don’t want to disappoint anyone thinking about becoming publicists so they too can be honored on this holiday.

  • There are five different types of publicists: Press Reps, Public Relations Publicists, Special Publicity Consultants, Unit Publicists, and Media Agents.
  • Unit Publicists are dedicated to bringing attention to the production phase of a work of art such as a film.
  • Media agents work with their clients to sell their stories to various publications or to TV.
  • Entry-level publicists can earn anywhere from $29,000 to $57,000 a year.
  • Experienced publicists can earn up to $96,000 a year.
  • Jobs in public relations are growing at an average rate and have been for the past few years.
  • There is a great demand for publicists on the East Coast of the U.S than any other part of the country.
  • There’s a Museum of Public Relations in New York City’s Financial District.
  • Edward Bernays was also known as the “Father Of Public Relations” and was in direct competition with Ivy Lee.

Observing National Publicist Day

This day can be celebrated by publicists and non-publicists alike. If you’re a publicist, feel free to shoot out a press release about this holiday and pat yourself on the back for all of your achievements throughout the year. If you’re not a publicist, you can send a publicist you know a sign of appreciation for what they do, or you can tweet out a thank you on your social media accounts using the hashtag #NationalPublicistDay.

When is it?
This year (2024)
October 30 Wednesday
Next year (2025)
October 30 Thursday
Last year (2023)
October 30 Monday
Work & Occupation