National Roots Day

Observed annually on December 23rd, National Roots Day is a holiday that encourages everyone everywhere to research their family history. Because the holidays are a time when so many families come together, it’s the perfect time for everyone to begin their research by asking their relatives for information that could get them started on their search.

It’s also a good time for people who have extensive information about their ancestors to offer up that information to those family members who’ve been looking for it. After all, family research is an activity that can bring everyone together and help them understand where they come from a little bit better.

A Quick Guide To Family Research

If you plan on observing National Roots Day, then you’re going to need some information about how to start your genealogical research. The following points are a good start for anyone looking to begin their journey into the past.

  • Ask relatives for names, locations, and dates and write all of that information down.
  • Check family bibles, military certificates, birth and death certificates in your household for clues.
  • Jump online and research U.S Federal Census data. They have information going back to 1790.
  • Check your state’s archives, prison records, and court records.
  • Make a trip to the library for any archival information you can find.

Observing National Roots Day

As we said earlier, interviewing your family members is a good place to start your genealogical research. You can then spend some time learning more about your family. While you’re doing so, be sure to use the hashtag #NationalRootsDay on your social media accounts and let everyone know how your search is going.

When is it?
This year (2024)
December 23 Monday
Next year (2025)
December 23 Tuesday
Last year (2023)
December 23 Saturday
Culture & History, Relationships & Family