National Teach Children To Save Day

National Teach Children To Save Day is a holiday that’s observed every year in April. It’s a holiday that’s designed to teach children how to save on a regular basis. It’s organized every year by bankers to help children develop the financial skills that they’re going to need into adulthood.

Parents can take part in this holiday by helping teach their children the benefits of saving them money and setting them up with their own supervised savings account. Helping children in this way will help children grow into responsible adults that can control their financial destiny.

The History Of National Teach Your Children Day

This holiday was created in 1997 by the American Bankers Association as a way to teach children how to save. It’s been going strong ever since with thousands of kids taught over the years how to manage their finances when they get older.

Some Fun Facts About Saving Money

Since this holiday is all about saving money, we thought that we’d take a few moments and talk about some of the facts we’ve learned about saving. Facts that we think everyone can appreciate and enjoy.

  • If you place $1000 in your savings for 10-years at 3%, then you’d end up making over $349 in interest.
  • The average American has just under $4000 in savings.
  • Approximately 1 out of 4 Americans have no savings at all.
  • Approximately 40% of all Americans have no retirement savings at all.

Observing National Teach Your Children Day

This holiday is observed all across the United States, so most schools and/or parents merely have to find an event located near them. Of course, official events aren’t the only way to celebrate this holiday.

Children can also be taught fiscal responsibility by their parents and teachers. Parents can give their children a savings account and encourage them to save money every month in that account.

Teachers can show children the value of money and how money saved can compound into even larger amounts of money. And people can spread the word about this holiday using the hashtag #TeachChildrenToSaveDay on social media.

When is it?
Last year (2023)
April 27 Thursday
Relationships & Family