National Thank A Mail Carrier Day

National Thank A Mail Carrier Day is a holiday that’s observed on the 4th of February and encourages everyone in the U.S to thank a mail carrier for all of the mail that they’ve delivered throughout the year. Every day, mail carriers bring bills, prescription drugs, and other items to the doors of millions of Americans-which isn’t an easy task.

Their jobs get even more difficult during the holiday season when they’re responsible for delivering all of our holiday cards and gifts. That’s why we feel that it’s appropriate for everyone to take a few moments out of their day and thank mail people for a job well done.

Fun Facts About The U.S Postal Service

Since this holiday is all about thanking mail carriers, we thought that we’d take a few moments of our time to list some of the fun facts we’ve learned about mail carriers below. And they’ve been hand-delivered just for you!

  • Article I, Section 8, Clause 7 of the U.S Constitution gives Congress the ability to establish post roads and post offices.
  • The Havasupai Tribe at the bottom of the Grand Canyon gets their mail delivered by carriers using mules.
  • The United States Postal Service also has boats that they can use to deliver mail.
  • In Sidney, Montana, the local rural delivery route is over 190-miles.
  • In Parker, Colorado, the postal rough is only 2.3-miles.
  • In 2014, over 5,700 postal employees were attacked by dogs.

Observing National Thank A Mail Carrier Day

Taking just a few moments out of your day to thank your mail carrier can mean all the difference to them. You can also give a mass shout-out to all postal carriers around the country using the hashtag #NationalThankAMailCarrierDay.

When is it?
This year (2024)
February 4 Sunday
Next year (2025)
February 4 Tuesday
Last year (2023)
February 4 Saturday
Work & Occupation