National Winston Churchill Day

Winston Churchill Day is a holiday that’s observed on April 9th and commemorates the day when he would be made an honorary citizen of the U.S. On April 9, 1963, U.S President John F. Kennedy presided honorary citizenship for Churchill. Although Churchill wasn’t present at the ceremony, his son and grandson were present for the ceremony.

Although this was a one-time ceremony, ever since this date, this day has been observed as this holiday. This is a great day for people who are fans of Churchill to celebrate his achievements, or for people unfamiliar with him to learn more about his life.

The History of Winston Churchill Day

On April 9, 1963, Winston Churchill was made an honorary citizen of the United States by the U.S Congress and President John F. Kennedy. This ceremony would become the foundation of this holiday as newspapers all over the world reported on it. It’s been observed by people interested in the life of Winston Churchill ever since.

Facts About Churchill

We’ve gathered together some facts about Churchill for everyone interested in observing this holiday. Let’s take a quick look at them.

  • Winston Churchill’s mother was an American.
  • Churchill took 60-bottles of alcohol with him when he headed out for the Boer War.
  • The first attested use of the abbreviation O.M.G (Oh my god!) was from a letter from John Fisher to Winston Churchill in 1917.

Observing Winston Churchill Day

Take the time to learn more about Winston Churchill on this day. You can learn more about him from a history book or one of the many movies that have been made about his life. While you’re celebrating his legacy, be sure to use the hashtag #WinstonChurchillDay on your social media accounts to spread the word about this holiday.

When is it?
This year (2024)
April 9 Tuesday
Next year (2025)
April 9 Wednesday
Last year (2023)
April 9 Sunday
Culture & History