National Woman Road Warrior Day

National Woman Road Warrior Day is a holiday that sounds like it should be the title of some apocalyptic movie but this holiday is actually a day that’s dedicated to honoring all of the women who have to travel every day for business. It’s been estimated that approximately 47% of all women who travel do so for business, and that number has been rising over the past few years as more and more women enter the workforce. Regardless of whether you’re one of these traveling women, or on September 19th each year.

Facts About Female Business Travelers

Since we’re on the topic of women road warriors, we thought that we would dig up some facts about business travel among women. We came across some interesting research on this subject over the course of our research, so we thought we’d list them below.

  • Women constitute half of all business travelers and are responsible for an estimated spend on travel expenses of $175 billion a year.
  • Approximately 48% of all female business travelers do so alone.
  • Approximately 7 out of 10 business travelers surveyed believe female road warriors face great dangers than their male counterparts.

Observing National Woman Road Warrior Day

If you’re not a female business traveler, you can celebrate this holiday by taking the time to honor the female business traveler in your life. If you are a business traveler, you can observe this holiday by taking some time off and maybe reading a book on business traveling. Once you’ve done all of that, you can then use the hashtag #NationalWomanRoadWarriorDay on your social media accounts to spread the word about this holiday.

When is it?
This year (2024)
September 19 Thursday
Next year (2025)
September 19 Friday
Last year (2023)
September 19 Tuesday
Work & Occupation