New Year’s Resolutions Week

Just about everyone knows that January 1st is New Year’s Day, but not as many people realize that the entire first week of January is an important week. That’s because it’s New Year’s Resolutions Week, a time when people begin to put all of the resolutions for the young year into action. New Year resolutions have been performed by humans for thousands of years and celebrations of this week go back at least 4,000 years to the ancient Babylonians.

And some of the more common resolutions that people have picked up over the years include eating healthier, exercising more, being a nicer person, spending more time with family, or traveling more. What’s your New Year’s resolution? Well, whatever t is, now is the time to turn those goals into actions.

The History Of New Year’s Resolutions Week

As we’ve stated earlier, this is a holiday week that’s been observed since ancient times. The ancient Babylonians, Sumerians, Greeks, and Romans all practiced New Year resolutions. They would take a personal inventory of their deficiencies and would plan to do better. Some of them even promised deities such as Janus that they would achieve certain goals. So, this isn’t actually a new holiday. Sure, Gary Blair of the 100-Day Challenge gave this week its name back in 2005, but it was actually something that had been around for a while.

Observing New Year’s Resolution Week

Since most people define their New Year resolutions already, observing this holiday should be pretty easy. All that one has to do is to spend the week putting their resolutions into action. It doesn’t matter whether the resolution is to quit smoking, go on a diet, or read more books, this is a time to put those resolutions into action. And while you’re observing this holiday week, don’t forget to use the hashtag #NewYearsResolutionWeek to spread the word about it online.

When is it?
This year (2024)
January 1 Monday
Next year (2025)
January 1 Wednesday
Last year (2023)
January 1 Sunday