No Name Calling Week

No Name-Calling Week customarily falls during the middle of January and it’s designed to raise attention about bullying — both in school classrooms and outside the classroom in schoolyards and on social media sites. Calling people names, regardless of whether they’re children or adults, causes real harm that can lead to real consequences for the victim.

Studies have shown that bullying and name-calling can cause a decline in academic achievement, depression, anxiety, and various other problems. That’s why it’s so important for people to observe this week.

If we all take the time to recognize the problems caused by bullying and emotional abuse, we can give educators, administrators, and students the resources they need to combat it in and out of school.

The History of No-Name Calling Week

This week was created in 2004 by Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing in partnership with GLEN Research. They took inspiration from The Misfits, a 2001 novel written by James Howe.

This week is designed to give educators and students the tools they need to address bullying. Over the past few years, the popularity of this week really has taken off and more schools are participating than ever before.

Facts About Bullying

In order to illustrate the damage caused by bullying and name-calling, we’ve included a few facts on the subject below.

  • Bullying not only affects those who are bullied but also those who witness the bullying.
  • Bullying also affects the bully themselves, and bullies can develop depression and other psychiatric issues.
  • Adults can help solve bullying by discussing the subject with children.
  • About 20% of students between the ages of 12 and 18 will experience bullying.
  • About 43% of bullying took place in the hallway, 42% in the classroom, and 26% in the cafeteria.
  • Bullying also took place on school grounds, in bathrooms, and on social media.

Observing No-Name Calling Week

Anyone and everyone are encouraged to participate during this week. This can be done by launching an anti-bullying program at a school, promoting essay competitions on the subject, or simply reviewing school policies and making adjustments when necessary.

People can also spread the word about this holiday week on social media using the hashtag #NoNameCallingWeek.

When is it?
This year (2024)
January 15 Monday
Next year (2025)
January 20 Monday
Last year (2023)
January 16 Monday
Awareness & Cause, Relationships & Family