October Liberation Day in Syria

October Liberation Day is a national holiday that’s observed annually in Syria on October 6th and commemorates the beginning of the October War against Israel in 1973. During this war, a war that’s also known as the Yom Kippur War, Syria supported an attack on Israel by the Egyptians to retake control of the Sinai territory.

The conflict would eventually lead to talks that would liberate the Sinai Peninsula. Today, this day is a holiday that memorializes the Syrian lives that were lost during this conflict and it’s a day that’s observed as a public holiday.

The History Of October Liberation Day In Syria

In June of 1967, Egypt lost control of the Sinai Peninsula during the 6-Day War. To regain control of the region, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat decided to carry out a surprise attack on October 6th, 1973.

This military action was supported by Syria and was successful in the beginning when over 80,000 Egyptian forces breached Israeli fortifications on the Peninsula. However, the Egyptians were forced to retreat two days later by a counteroffensive and they were eventually surrounded by Israeli forces.

The war would end with a ceasefire that was brokered by the U.S. The conflict would lead to talks organized by U.S. President Jimmy Carter at Camp David. This led directly to the Israeli-Egyptian Peace Agreement of 1979 which saw the Sinai Peninsula return to Egypt.

Observing October Liberation Day In Syria

This holiday is observed with special events all across the country, particularly in the capital city of Damascus. This includes historical and military events, cultural events, and other activities.

It’s a public holiday that’s a day off for the general public and is a day when many businesses, schools, and non-essential government offices. And because Syrians have time off on this holiday, it’s the perfect day to spend time with loved ones.

Where is it celebrated?
Syria (Public holiday)
When is it?
This year (2024)
October 6 Sunday
Next year (2025)
October 6 Monday
Last year (2023)
October 6 Friday