Official Lost And Found Day

Official Lost and Found Day is a holiday that’s observed annually on the second Friday of December and encourages everyone to claim those things in their life that they have lost—both in a real physical way and in a metaphorical way.

Just about every business has a place to collect lost articles that were left by their customers. This is true for every business from your local restaurant to the airlines. If you ever lose something, checking out the lost and found of the last business you were in is a great way to find said item.

Interesting Facts About The Things We Lose

It’s important to remember that people lose things all of the time. It’s so common, we think that we can classify it as a universal condition experienced by everyone in the world. If you don’t believe us, then take a quick look at the following facts about people losing things.

  • The average person spends 10-minutes a day searching for lost items.
  • The most common lost items are phones, keys, and glasses.
  • Every week, approximately 12,000 laptops are lost in U.S airports.
  • In Chicago alone, over 120,000 phones were lost in taxicabs.

Observing Official Lost And Found Day

This holiday can be observed in several different ways. You can take the time to find things that you may have lost. This could be something you’ve misplaced or lost, or it can be another person that you want to reconnect with. You can also use the hashtag #OfficialLostAndFoundDay to spread the word about this holiday online.

When is it?
This year (2024)
December 13 Friday
Next year (2025)
December 12 Friday
Last year (2023)
December 8 Friday
Weird & Obscure